质量效应游戏专精职业怎么样,相信大多数玩家还不是很熟悉,今天为大家带来《质量效应》专精职业,以及模范值/叛逆值 数值上的影响,一起来看看吧。

Specialized Classes
You put ranks in these specialized class talents to get passive improvements in specific areas. Shock trooper is ideal for me.
Shock Trooper (Soldier, Vanguard) - Shock troopers are highly trained killing machines; they excel in all combat situations.
Increase health
Increase damage protection
Improve Immunity (Fitness) *
Improve Barrier *
Improve Adrenaline burst (Assault Training) *
* If applicable. Soldiers don't get Barrier, and Vanguards don't get Fitness*
Commando (Soldier, Infiltrator) - Commandos rely on lethal efficiency and precision strikes rather then brute force to eliminate their opponents.
Increase weapon damage
Improve Immunity (Fitness)
Improve Marksman (Pistol)
Improve Assassination (Sniper Rifle)
Operative (Engineer, Infilitrator) Operatives are masters at manipulating their environment to maximum advantages.
Reduce recharge time for Tech abilities
Improve Overload
Improve Sabotage
Medic (Engineer, Sentinel) Medics combine tech and healing abilities to boost the efficiency of the entire squad.
*These details are sketchy*
Reduce recharge time for healing talents
Improve First Aid
Improve Neural Shock
Nemesis (Adept, Vanguard) The Nemesis is a biotic specialist who uses mass effect fields to inflict heavy damage against opponents.
Increase duration and damage for all biotic abilities
Improve Warp
Improve Lift
Bastion (Adept, Sentinel) Bastions use Biotics for defense or for opponent immobilization.
Reduce recharge time for biotic abilities
Improve Barrier
Improve Stasis (allows you to attack foes in stasis fields!)
Other fun facts, shamelessly stolen from Brimmstone's post on Gamespot's forums.
Paragon / Renegade Mechanical Affects
Earthbound - Grants a Renegade point bonus
Spacer - Grants Paragon point bonus
Colonist - Grants part Paragon and part Renegade point bonus
Psychological Profile
Ruthless - Grants a Renegade point bonus
War Hero - Grants Paragon point bonus
Sole Survivor - Grants part Paragon and part Renegade point bonus
Paragon Level bonuses
5% - Opens 2 charm ranks, gives 1 free charm point
25% - Opens 2 charm ranks, gives 1 charm point, 10% first aid cooldown
50% - 10% Bonus health
75% - Achievement, opens 2 charm ranks, gives 1 free charm point and 5% reduction in cooldown on all powers.
Renegade Level Bonuses
5% - Opens 2 intimidate ranks, gives 1 intimidate point
25% - Opens 2 intimidate ranks, gives 1 intimidate point, 10% reduction in weapon powers cooldown
50% - 1 health regeneration per second
75% - Achievement, opens 2 intimidate ranks, gives 1 intimidate point, 5% increase in damage/duration on all weapons and powers
突击步兵(基本职业:士兵,先锋)- 突击步兵是受过强化训练的杀戮机器,他们能应付各种战况。
强化 免疫技能(健康能力)*
强化 屏障技能*
强化 肾上腺激素技能(突击训练能力)*
特种兵(基本职业:士兵,渗透者)- 比起野蛮的突袭,特种兵更依靠精准、致命的攻击来消灭敌人。
强化 免疫技能(健康能力)
强化 射手技能(手枪能力)
强化 暗杀技能(狙击步枪能力)
操作者(基本职业:工程师,渗透者)- 操作者是操纵周遭环境,获取最大限度优势的大师。
强化 超载护盾技能
强化 破坏武器技能
医疗兵(工程师,哨兵)- 医疗兵结合了科技和治疗能力,以此提升整个小队的效率。
强化 急救技能
强化 神经震荡技能
天敌(基本职业:强化人,先锋)- 天敌是生化技能专家,他们擅长使用质量效应场去重创敌人。
强化 扭曲技能
强化 升起技能
Nemesis is now used as a term used to describe one's worst enemy, normally someone or something that is the exact opposite of oneself but is also somehow similar. For example, Professor Moriarty is frequently described as the nemesis of Sherlock Holmes.
壁垒(基本职业:强化人,哨兵)- 壁垒擅长利用生化能力进行防御、使敌人无法动弹。
强化 屏障技能
强化 停滞技能(强化后能攻击被困在停滞场里面的敌人!)
其他的一些有趣的东西,转载自Gamespot论坛 Brimmstone的帖子。
模范值/叛逆值 数值上的影响
5% - 提升2点魅力能力上限,获得1点额外的魅力点
25% - 提升2点魅力能力上限,获得1点额外的魅力点,急救CD降低10%
50% - 血量提升10%
75% - 解锁成就,提升2点魅力能力上限,获得1点额外的魅力点,所有技能的CD降低5%
5% - 提升2点威胁能力上限,获得1点额外的威胁点
25% - 提升2点威胁能力上限,获得1点额外的威胁点,武器技能的CD降低10%
50% - 每秒回复1点血
75% - 解锁成就,提升2点威胁能力上限,获得1点额外的威胁点,所有武器和技能的伤害/持续时间提高5%
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