1、Somebody Else? Played as Aiden for the first time
铜杯 有其他人在吗?,第一次扮演艾登
2、Obedience Stopped the experiment voluntarily
铜杯 服从,自发地终止实验
3、Teammates Did 3 mischievous things with Jodie and Aiden
铜杯 队友,和祖迪及艾登做三件恶作剧
4、Entities Apprentice Vanquished the entities with Aiden
铜杯 灵体学徒,使用艾登战胜灵体
5、Sorry Forgave Jodies father
铜杯 抱歉,原谅祖迪的父亲
6、Not My Father Choked Philip with Aiden
铜杯 不是我父亲,使用艾登让菲利浦窒息
7、Revenge Taught 3 or more of the teens a lesson, or started the house fire, with Aiden
铜杯 复仇,使用艾登教训三个或以上的青少年,或是让房子失火
8、Cold Blood Did not impress or scare the teens with Aiden
铜杯 冷血,不用艾登惊吓青少年们
9、Together Forever Protected Jodie from her attackers
铜杯 永不分离,从侵犯者手中保护祖迪
10、Portal Shutdown Successfully shut down the condenser portal
铜杯 关闭中枢,成功关闭聚魂器中枢
11、Channeling Master Channeled all dead bodies in the condenser compound
铜杯 通灵大师,在聚魂器与所有死者通灵
12、Perfect Soldier Completed most of the physical training successfully
铜杯 完美士兵,完成大部分体能训练
13、Fight Apprentice Won every fight whilst taking less than 5 hits
铜杯 格斗学徒,在被打到少于5次下完成所有格斗
14、Stealth Apprentice Completed all stealth training without being spotted
铜杯 潜行学徒,在没有被发现的情况下完成所有潜行训练
15、Clean Job Shut down the monitor and finished the mission using only Aiden
铜杯 手脚干净,只使用艾登关闭监视器屏幕并完成任务
16、Possessive Spy Finished the mission using only the Sheik
铜杯 占有欲强的间谍,只使用谢赫就完成任务
17、Perfect Lover Cooked a meal, cleaned the apartment, took a shower, wore the elegant dress and put on some music
铜杯 完美情人,煮菜、打扫公寓房间、淋浴、穿着优雅的洋装并放点音乐
18、Casual Girl Ordered a pizza, watched some TV and wore something casual
铜杯 随性女孩,订披萨、看电视、穿着简便
19、In Love with Ryan Slept with Ryan
铜杯 和雷恩坠入情网,和雷恩发生亲密关系
20、Stealth Master Made it to the cathedral without being spotted
铜杯 隐形大师,在不被发现的情况下到达大教堂
21、Catch Me if You Can Escaped the train without being arrested
铜杯 来抓我啊,在不被拘捕的情况下从列车脱逃
22、Aidens ApocalyPSe Destroyed the gas station, the church, the gun store and the helicopter
铜杯 艾登末世录,摧毁加油站、教堂、枪支专卖店和直升机
23、Houdini Got arrested three times and escaped each time
铜杯 脱逃大师,被拘捕三次每次都顺利脱逃
24、Money to Eat Earned enough money to have some chocolate during dinner
铜杯 赚钱糊口,赚到足够的钱能在晚餐时吃巧克力
25、Smart Thief Deactivated the supermarkets camera
铜杯 聪明的小偷,让超市的警铃失效
26、Miracles Looked after Tuesdays baby, healed Jimmy and channeled Stan
铜杯 奇迹,检查星期二的婴儿、治疗吉米和帮史坦通灵
27、Medicine Girl Successfully performed the entire ritual
铜杯 巫师女孩,完成整个仪式
28、Not Just Sand Ran from the sandstorm and took less than 3 hits
铜杯 不只是沙子,从暴风沙中脱逃并且被打到少于3次
29、Eye for an Eye Didnt speak during the interrogation
铜杯 以眼还眼,在被拷问的过程中不发一语
30、Agent 894732 Told the truth during the interrogation
铜杯 探员894732,在被拷问时将实情全盘供出
31、Almost Too Easy Went to the containment shield with the General
铜杯 简直太容易,和将军一起前往抑制力场
32、Chose Afterlife Entered the Infraworld
铜杯 选择来生,进入异世界
33、Chose Life Stayed in reality
铜杯 选择生活,选择留在现世
34、Convince Dawkins Helped Dawkins see the truth
铜杯 说服道金斯,帮道金斯看到事实
35、Black Sun Down Deactivated the Black Sun
铜杯 黑太阳陨落,关闭黑太阳
36、Two Souls Launched a scene in Duo mode
铜杯 两个灵魂,用双人模式游玩游戏
37、The End One possible reality has been uncovered...
银杯 完结,一个可能的事实已被揭露…
38、Uncontrollable Took every opportunity to be evil as Aiden
银杯 无法驾驭,使用艾登时把握机会使坏
39、Never Alone Started at least one romance
银杯 不甘寂寞,至少有过一段罗曼史
40、Entities Master Was victorious in every battle with the evil entities
银杯 灵体大师,赢得对抗灵体的每场战斗
41、A Better World Let every possible character die and chose to go with them to the Infraworld
银杯 更好的世界,让所有角色死亡并选择追随他们去异世界
42、Explorer Found all the bonuses
银杯 探索者,找到所有追加要素
43、Together Till the End Finished the game in Duo mode
金杯 一起直到永远,用双人模式完成游戏
44、All Endings... Saw all endings
金杯 所有结局…,看过所有结局
45、Saved All Saved every character that could be saved
金杯 拯救全部,拯救有机会救到的每个角色
46、BEYOND: TWO SOULS MASTER Collected all trophies!
白金 BEYOND:TWO SOULS 大师,收集到所有奖杯!

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