
Prepare and Execute
Death from Above
Defeat an enemy by jumping down from a high point. (Use the "death from above" prompt when it appears.)
在高處跳下壓倒敵人 (按鈕指示會有標明 death from above,而不是一般的Drop down)
Grab from Ledge
Defeat an enemy by grabbing and dragging him off from a railing.
5x Predator
Defeat five enemies in a row without being detected.
沒有被發現的情況下連續擊殺 5 個敵人
Stealth Headshot
Defeat an enemy with a headshot without being detected.
沒有被發現的情況下 Headshot 敵人
Mark Proficiency
Defeat two or more enemies at once with a mark-and-Execute attack.
使用 "mark-and-Execute" 同時擊殺 2 人或以上
3x Frag Grenade
Defeat three or more enemies at once with a frag grenade.
使用 "frag grenade" 同時擊殺 3 人或以上
Remote Explosion
Defeat three or more enemies at once with a remote mine or a sticky camera.
使用 "remote mine" 或 "stucky camera" 同時炸死 3 人或以上
Defeat an enemy who is stunned by a flashbang, EMP grenade, or the portable EMP device.
擊倒被 "flashbang", "EMP grenade" 或 "portable EMP device" 弄昏的敵人
Behind Closed Doors
Use the mirror or the snake camera to mark an enemy from under a door, and then defeat him with a mark-and-Execute attack.
使用鏡子 (Sam Fisher) 或小鏡頭 (Co-op) 標記門口的敵人, 然後以 "mark-and-Execute" 擊殺
Sonar Mark
Use the goggles to mark an enemy (whether in the open or from behind a wall doesnt matter), and then defeat him with a mark-and-Execute attack.
使用聲納 (D-pad/方向按上) 的狀態下標記敵人 (不理會是否在門後或牆壁後),然後以 "mark-and-Execute" 擊殺
Shadow Takedown
Defeat an enemy with a hand-to-hand attack in a dark area without being detected.
在黑暗中 (沒有光源,且玩家畫面是黑白色) 以近戰 (B鍵) 擊倒敵人
Sticky Camera Whistle
Defeat an enemy who is investigating the annoying music noise from a sticky camera (preferably by detonating the camera in his face).
擊倒被 "sticky camera" 發出的音樂("sticky camera" 黏著物件後的 "Make noise" 選項) 所吸引的敵人
Vanish Silently
Get detected, and then run away back into hiding, without defeating any enemies.
Cat and Mouse
Get detected, run away, and then defeat an enemy with a hand-to-hand attack while he is investigating the last known position silhouette.
Last Known Position
Get detected, run away 10 meters or more, and then defeat an enemy with any ranged or remote attack while he is investigating the last known position silhouette.
被發現及留下最後位置的幻影後,離開最少 10 米,以射擊或遙控武器擊倒調查幻影的敵人
Portable EMP Escape
Get detected, stun three or more enemies at once with the portable EMP device, and then run away before they recover, without defeating any enemies.
被發現後,使用 "portable EMP device" 同時擊昏 3 名敵人或以上,並且不能擊倒當中任何 1 人
Flashbang Escape
Get detected, stun the enemies with a flashbang, and then run away before they recover, without defeating any enemies.
被發現後,使用 "flashbang" 同時擊昏 3 名敵人或以上,並且不能擊倒當中任何 1 人
EMP Grenade Stun
Stun three or more enemies at once with an EMP grenade.
以 "EMP grenade" 同時擊昏 3 名敵人或以上
Choke Hold Freedom
Cooperative multiplayer modes. Have the teammate get caught in a choke hold by an enemy, and then free the teammate. (Besides shooting the enemy, using explosive gadgets will also work.)
在合作模式中,隊友被脅持時救回隊友 (必須使用射擊或爆炸物)
Reviving Teammates
Cooperative multiplayer modes. Have the teammate get knocked down (from any sort of mishap), and then revive the teammate.
Splinter Cell
Mark Mastery
Defeat four or more enemies at once with a mark-and-Execute attack. To be able to do this normally, earn the Five-Seven handgun (by playing through the single-player story mode), and purchase its reflex scope upgrade.
同時擊倒 4 名敵人或以上 (強化後的 "Five-Seven" 可標記 4 人)
Advanced Stealth
Complete an entire scene (a whole level) without getting detected, without coming into bodily contact with any enemy, and without retrying. For an easier time, do this in the cooperative hunter mode on the rookie setting, and have the teammate kill all the enemies, while your character hangs back. (Your character can still throw out explosives from dark areas to help, but doing so may risk detection.)
在沒有 [ 被發現 / 使用近戰 / 重新開始 ] 下完成整個關卡
Advanced Close Combat
Complete an entire scene (a whole level) without manually shooting a firearm and without retrying. Basically, use only hand-to-hand attacks and gadgets. (The animation where your character grabs and then shoots the victim up close is okay. Just dont press the Fire Button, and dont press the Execute Button. For an easier time, do this at a level like Scene 2 (Kobins Mansion) on the rookie setting.
10x Predator
Defeat ten enemies in a row without getting detected.
在沒被發現的情況下連續擊殺 10 名敵人
Assault Rifle Marksman
Defeat fifteen enemies with a single assault rifle magazine, without reloading. For an easier time, do this during Sams super-enhanced mark-and-Execute mode at the end of Scene 8 (Third Echelon HQ). Remember to reload beforehand.
以攻擊步槍只使用一個彈匣擊殺 15 名敵人 (期間不可上彈)
Pistol Marksman
Defeat ten enemies with a single pistol magazine, without reloading. For an easier time, do this during Sams super-enhanced mark-and-Execute mode at the end of Scene 8 (Third Echelon HQ). Remember to reload beforehand.
以手槍只使用一個彈匣擊殺 10 名敵人(期間不可上彈)
Collateral Damage
Grab a human shield, move him to a closed wooden door, and then bash him through the door. (Use the "bash" prompt when it appears. Beware—reinforced metal doors are bash-proof.)
將被脅持的敵人推近木門,並使用 Bash (推近可 bash 的木門會出現選項,加固的鈕門不能 bash)
Human Collision
Grab a human shield, and then throw him into another enemy. (Your character can throw reasonably far, so there is no need to walk all the way up close. Beware—the enemy getting hit by the thrown body may stand back up and resume attacking.)
將被脅持的敵人拋向另一名敵人 (不用走太近,被打中的敵人會起身繼續攻擊你)
Deadly Fall
Grab a human shield, and then throw him off into a fall of 10 meters or more. Some areas where this can be done are Scene 6 (White Box Laboratories—office area windows), Scene 8 (Third Echelon HQ—office area windows and stairs), and Cooperative Story Mode Scene 2 (Russian Embassy—rooftop area).
Environmental Hazard
Defeat three or more enemies at once with an environmental (non-gadget) trap, like a large chandelier or a red explosive barrel. One easy place to do this is in Scene 2 (Kobins Mansion), with the entrance halls chandelier.
以場景中的物品擊倒 3 名敵人或以上
Security Device Diversion
Defeat an enemy who is investigating the disruption of an electrical light, camera, or other installation security device.
擊倒調查被破壞的保全裝置 (電燈) 的敵人
Car Alarm Investigation
Defeat an enemy who is investigating a car alarm. Some areas where this can be done are Scene 2 (Kobins Mansion—front gate) and Scene 5 (Washington Monument—at the fairgrounds gate area just before the scenes end).
Human Kevlar
Grab a human shield, and then defeat three or more enemies at once with a mark-and-Execute attack, while still holding the human shield. (The enemies who are marked dont have to be alerted.) To be able to do this, earn and equip a handgun that has three or more marks (with upgrades as necessary).
脅持敵人時以 "mark-and-Execute" 方式射殺 3 名敵人或以上
Group Neutralization
Stun three or more enemies at once with a flashbang, an EMP grenade, or the portable EMP device, and then defeat them all while they are still stunned. For an easier time, after stunning the enemies, use a remote mine against them.
以 "flashbang" / "EMP grenade" / "portable EMP device" 擊昏 3 名敵人或以上並將他們擊倒
Alternate Door Entry
Defeat an enemy by bashing a wooden door into him. (Beware—reinforced metal doors are bash-proof.) For an easier time, use the goggles to see if the enemy is standing directly behind the wooden door.
以 Bash 方式擊倒敵人 (可按D-pad/方向鍵上開啟聲納探查門口是否有敵人)
Breaking Glass
Grab a human shield, and then throw him through a glass window.
Effective Interrogation
When interrogating a key enemy character, bash the victim against three different types of environmental objects. This one can be easily done at the end of Scene 1 (Merchants Street Market).
在查問關鍵敵人時,將他撞向 3 種不同的場景上
Full Recovery
Cooperative mode. Get knocked down, and then sit back up and defeat five enemies in a row before being revived by the teammate. For an easier time, do this on the rookie setting. Also be sure to equip an upgraded handgun.
Remain Undetected
Get detected, and then run away back into hiding for ten minutes. (Your character can still kill enemies from dark areas, as long as he doesnt get detected. Or, he can simply stare at a weapon stash or something.)
被發現後,逃離並隱匿十分鐘 (可繼續在暗處殺敵或回武器箱呆十分鐘)
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