博德之门秘籍大全 博德之门游戏秘籍一览
时间:2017-08-31 作者:Nirn

  小编下面带来的是博德之门秘籍大全,博德之门的故事发生在“被遗忘的大陆”上费伦西部的剑湾(Sword Coast)附近,玩家将以最为扑朔迷离的身世来进行游戏,需要通过不断的冒险与探索来揭露主角的秘密,而这也关系到这奇幻世界的命运。

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博德之门秘籍大全 博德之门游戏秘籍一览

  找到游戏目录下的 Baldur.ini文件,用记事本打开找到[Game Options] 再下面添加Cheats=1 然后游戏中按下Ctrl Tab键开启秘籍输入视窗(再按下Ctrl-Tab键可关闭),然后可输入以下秘籍:

  加500单位黄金 Cheats:Midas();

  制造游戏中所有需要的物品 Cheats:CriticalItems();

  崔斯特出现在已方 Cheats:DrizztDefends();

  崔斯特出现在敌方 Cheats:DrizztAttacks();

  召唤10个Killer Chickens为你作战 Cheats:TheGreatGonzo();

  如果在牛附近的话就能创造出一个牛的符咒 Cheats:CowKill();

  全地图 Cheats:ExploreArea();

  增加 5份医疗药水 及解毒药水 和1份解石化卷轴 Cheats:FirstAid();

  传送角色至邻近区域 Cheats:Hans();

  修改经验值 CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP("[number]")

  启用秘籍键 CLUAConsole:EnableCheatKeys()

  召唤NPC CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("[six letter name]")

  制造物品 CLUAConsole:CreateItem("[item name]")

  首页使用 "CLUAConsole:EnableCheatKeys()" 开启秘籍模式:

  跳跃 [Ctrl] + J

  看结局动画 [Ctrl] + B

  选择影片 [Ctrl] + S

  播放影片 [Ctrl] + A

  显示游戏统计 [Ctrl] + D

  旋转 [Ctrl] + F
















  对应物品 物品代码

  +1 CHR manual BOOK07

  +1 CON manual BOOK03

  +1 DEX manual BOOK05

  +1 INT manual BOOK06

  +1 STR manual BOOK04

  +1 WIS manual BOOK08

  Acid Arrow AROW04

  Agannazar's Scorcher SCRL1B

  Agni Mani Necklace AMUL06

  Amulet of Metaspell Influence (+1 2nd level spell) AMUL16

  Amulet of Protection +1 AMUL14

  Andar Gem MISC22

  Angel Skin Ring RING16

  Animate Dead SCRL2D

  Ankheg Plate Mail PLAT06

  Ankheg Shell MISC12

  Antidote POTN20

  Antidote POTN32

  Aquamarine Gem MISC33

  Armor SCRL67

  Arrow AROW01

  Arrow +1 AROW02

  Arrow +2 AROW11

  Arrow +2 (different graphic) AROW1A

  Arrow of Biting AROW05

  Arrow of Detonation AROW06

  Arrow of Fire AROW08

  Arrow of Ice AROW09

  Arrow of Piercing AROW10

  Arrow of Slaying AROW03

  Arrow or Dispelling AROW07

  Bandit Scalp MISC86

  Bastard Sword SW1H01

  Bastard Sword +1 SW1H02

  Bastard Sword +1, Shapeshifters SW1H03

  Battle Axe AX1H01

  Battle Axe +1 AX1H02

  Battle Axe +2 AX1H03

  Black Opal MISC38

  Blindness SCRL71

  Bloodstone Amulet AMUL13

  Bloodstone Gem MISC20

  Bloodstone Ring RING15

  Bluestone Necklace AMUL05

  Blur SCRL85

  Bolt BOLT01

  Bolt +1 BOLT02

  Bolt +2 BOLT06

  Bolt of Biting BOLT04

  Bolt of Lightning BOLT03

  Bolt of Polymorphing BOLT05


  Boots of Avoidance BOOT04

  Boots of Grounding BOOT05

  Boots of Speed BOOT01

  Boots of Stealth BOOT02

  Boots of the North BOOT03

  Bottle of Wine MISC61

  Bowl of Water Elemental Control MISC53

  Bracers BRAC05

  Bracers of Archery BRAC04

  Bracers of Defense AC 6 BRAC03

  Bracers of Defense AC 7 BRAC02

  Bracers of Defense AC 8 BRAC01

  Broken Armor MISC58

  Broken Miscellaneous MISC59

  Broken Shield MISC57

  Broken Weapon MISC56

  Buckler SHLD08

  Buckler SHLD09

  Buckler SHLD10

  Bullet BULL01

  Bullet +1 BULL02

  Bullet +2 BULL03

  Burning Hands SCRL68

  Chainmail CHAN01

  Chainmail +1 CHAN02

  Chainmail +2 CHAN03

  Charm Person SCRL69

  Chew Toy MISC63

  Child's Body MISC54

  Chill Touch SCRL82

  Chromatic Orb SCRL83

  Chrysoberyl Gem MISC30

  Clairvoyance SCRL1D

  Cloak of Balduran CLCK05

  Cloak of Displacement CLCK03

  Cloak of Non-Detection CLCK06

  Cloak of Protection +1 CLCK01

  Cloak of Protection +2 CLCK02

  Cloak of the Wolf CLCK04

  Cloudkill SCRL2E

  Club BLUN01

  Color Spray SCRL70

  Composite Long Bow BOW01

  Composite Long Bow +1 BOW02

  Cone of Cold SCRL2F

  Confusion SCRL1U

  Contaminated Iron MISC87

  Cure Critical Wounds SCRL61

  Cure Serious Wounds SCRL56

  Cursed Scroll of Stupidity SCRL18

  Cursed Scroll of Weakness SCRL10

  Dagger DAGG01

  Dagger +1 DAGG02

  Dagger +2 DAGG03

  Dagger +2, Longtooth DAGG04

  Dart DART01

  Dart +1 DART02

  Dart of Stunning DART03


  Dart of Wounding DART04

  Dead Cat MISC62

  Delorna's Statue MISC70

  Detect Evil SCRL86

  Detect Invisibility SCRL87

  Diamond MISC42

  Dimension Door SCRL1V

  Dire Charm SCRL1S

  Dispel Magic SCRL1E

  Duke Eltan's Body MISC55

  Eagle Bow BOW08

  Elixir of Health POTN17

  Emerald MISC43

  Female Body MISC79

  Fire Agate Gem MISC16

  Fire Opal Ring RING18

  Fireball SCRL1G

  Flail BLUN02

  Flail +1 BLUN03

  Flame Arrow SCRL1F

  Flame Strike SCRL62

  Flamedance Ring RING17

  Free Action SCRL58

  Friends SCRL72

  Full Plate Mail PLAT04

  Full Plate Mail +1 PLAT05

  Garnet Gem MISC34

  Gauntlets of Dexterity BRAC07

  Gauntlets of Fumbling BRAC08

  Gauntlets of Ogre Power BRAC06

  Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise BRAC10

  Gauntlets of Weapon Skill BRAC09

  Ghost Armor SCRL1T

  Ghoul Touch SCRL1C

  Girdle BELT01

  Girdle of Bluntness BELT03

  Girdle of Piercing BELT04

  Girdle of Sex Change BELT05

  Gold Necklace AMUL10

  Gold Piece MISC07

  Gold Ring RING10

  Golden Girdle BELT02

  Golden Pantaloons MISC47

  Grease SCRL66

  Greenstone Ring RING14

  Halberd HALB01

  Halberd +1 HALB02

  Halberd +2 HALB03

  Haste SCRL1H

  Heavy Crossbow XBOW01

  Heavy Crossbow +1 XBOW02

  Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy XBOW03

  Helm of Balduran HELM07

  Helm of Charm Protection HELM06

  Helm of Defense HELM04

  Helm of Glory HELM03

  Helm of Infravision HELM05

  Helm of Opposite Alignment HELM02

  Helmet HELM01

  Helshara's Artifact Fragment MISC69

  Hold Person SCRL1I

  Horn Coral Gem MISC35

  Horror SCRL89

  Identify SCRL75

  Idol MISC48

  Improved Invisibility SCRL1Y

  Infravision SCRL76

  Invisibility SCRL90

  Iol Gem MISC26

  Jade Ring RING13

  Jasper Gem MISC23

  Key to River Plug MISC83

  Kings Tears MISC44

  Knock SCRL91

  Know Alignment SCRL92

  Laeral's Tear Necklace (3000 gp) AMUL12

  Large Shield SHLD05

  Large Shield SHLD15

  Large Shield SHLD16

  Large Shield +1 SHLD06

  Large Shield +1, +4 vs Missiles SHLD07

  Larloch's Minor Drain SCRL84

  Leather Armor LEAT01

  Leather Armor +1 LEAT02

  Leather Armor +2 LEAT03

  Letter SCRL2I

  Letter SCRL2J

  Letter SCRL3D

  Light Crossbow XBOW04

  Light Crossbow +1 XBOW05

  Light Crossbow of Speed XBOW06

  Lightning Bolt SCRL1K

  Lock of Nymph's Hair MISC51

  Long Bow BOW03

  Long Bow +1 BOW04

  Long Bow of Marksmanship BOW07

  Long Sword SW1H04

  Long Sword +1 SW1H05

  Long Sword +2 SW1H06

  Luck SCRL93

  Lynx Eye Gem MISC17

  Mace BLUN04

  Mace +1 BLUN05

  Magic Missile SCRL77

  Magical Book BOOK01

  Male Body MISC80

  Medium Shield SHLD03

  Medium Shield SHLD13

  Medium Shield SHLD14

  Medium Shield +1 SHLD04

  Melf's Acid Arrow SCRL95

  Melicamp the Chicken MISC49

  Minor Globe of Invulnerability SCRL1Z

  Mirror Image SCRL96

  Mithril Chain Mail +4 CHAN06

  Monster Summoning I SCRL1L

  Monster Summoning II SCRL2A

  Monster Summoning III SCRL2G

  Moonbar Gem MISC40

  Moonblade SW1H13

  Moonstone Gem MISC27

  Morning Star BLUN06

  Morning Star +1 BLUN07

  Mulahey's Holy Symbol MISC85

  Necklace AMUL02

  Necklace of Missiles AMUL01

  Neutralize Poison SCRL59

  Non-Detection SCRL1M

  Normal Book BOOK09

  Nymph Cloak CLCK07

  Oil of Firey Burning POTN13


  Oil of Speed POTN14

  Oil of Speed POTN23

  Onyx Ring RING12

  Pearl MISC36

  Pearl Necklace AMUL11

  Plate Mail +1 PLAT02

  Plate Mail Armor PLAT01

  Potion of Absorption POTN18

  Potion of Agility POTN19

  Potion of Clarity POTN21

  Potion of Cloud Giant Strength POTN06

  Potion of Cold Resistance POTN22

  Potion of Defense POTN24

  Potion of Explosions POTN26

  Potion of Fire Giant Strength POTN05

  Potion of Fire Resistance POTN02

  Potion of Firebreath POTN27

  Potion of Fortitude POTN28

  Potion of Freedom POTN45

  Potion of Frost Giant Strength POTN04

  Potion of Genius POTN29

  Potion of Healing POTN08

  Potion of Healing POTN25

  Potion of Heroism POTN09

  Potion of Hill Giant Strength POTN03

  Potion of Infravision POTN30

  Potion of Insight POTN43

  Potion of Insulation POTN31

  Potion of Invisibility POTN10

  Potion of Invulnerability POTN11

  Potion of Invulnerability POTN40

  Potion of Magic Blocking POTN33

  Potion of Magic Protection POTN34

  Potion of Magic Shielding POTN35

  Potion of Master Thievery POTN36

  Potion of Mind Focusing POTN37

  Potion of Mirrored Eyes POTN38

  Potion of Perception POTN39

  Potion of Power POTN41

  Potion of Regeneration POTN42

  Potion of Stone Form POTN46

  Potion of Stone Giant Strength POTN12

  Potion of Storm Giant Strength POTN07

  Potion of Strength POTN44

  Protection from Acid SCRL03

  Protection from Cold SCRL04

  Protection from Electricity SCRL05

  Protection from Evil SCRL78

  Protection from Fire SCRL06

  Protection from Magic SCRL07

  Protection from Normal Missiles SCRL1N

  Protection from Petrification SCRL15

  Protection from Petrification SCRL73

  Protection from Poison SCRL08

  Protection from Undead SCRL09

  Quarterstaff STAF01

  Quarterstaff +1 STAF02

  Rabbit's Foot MISC88

  Rainbow Obsidian Necklace AMUL07

  Raise Dead SCRL63

  Red Potion POTN15

  Resist Fear SCRL94

  Ring RING01

  Ring of Animal Friendship RING03

  Ring of Clumsiness RING04

  Ring of Energy RING20

  Ring of Fire Resistance RING02

  Ring of Folly RING23

  Ring of Free Action RING09

  Ring of Holiness RING22

  Ring of Infravision RING21

  Ring of Invisibility RING05

  Ring of Protection +1 RING06

  Ring of Protection +2 RING07

  Ring of Wizardry RING08

  Rogue Stone MISC45

  Ruby Ring RING19

  Samuel (body) MISC13

  Scimitar +3, Frostbrand SW1H15

  Shadow Armor LEAT08

  Shadow Door SCRL2H

  Shandon Gem MISC32

  Shield SCRL79

  Shield Amulet AMUL15

  Shocking Grasp SCRL80

  Short Bow BOW05

  Short Bow +1 BOW06

  Short Sword SW1H07

  Short Sword +1 SW1H08

  Short Sword +2 SW1H09

  Short Sword of Backstabbing SW1H10

  Silver Necklace AMUL09

  Silver Ring RING11

  Skull MISC50

  Skull Trap SCRL1P

  Skydrop Gem MISC21

  Sleep SCRL81

  Sling SLNG01

  Sling +1 SLNG02

  Slow SCRL1O

  Small Shield SHLD01

  Small Shield SHLD11

  Small Shield SHLD12

  Small Shield +1 SHLD02

  Spear SPER01

  Spear +1 SPER02

  Spear +3, Backbiter SPER03

  Spell Book BOOK02

  Spell Scroll SCRL02

  Sphene Gem MISC37

  Spider Body MISC60

  Spider's Bane SW2H06

  Splint Mail CHAN04

  Splint Mail +1 CHAN05

  Star Diopside Gem MISC31

  Star Saphire(sic) MISC41

  Stinking Cloud SCRL97

  Strength SCRL98

  Studded Leather Armor LEAT04

  Studded Leather Armor +1 LEAT05

  Studded Leather Armor +2 LEAT07

  Studded Leather Armor +2, missile attraction LEAT06

  Studded Necklace with Zios Gems AMUL04

  Sunstone Gem MISC18

  Tchazar Gem MISC24

  Telescope MISC64

  The Candle MISC74

  The Claw of Kazgaroth MISC72

  The Horn of Kazgaroth MISC73

  Throwing Axe AX1H04

  Throwing Axe +2 AX1H05

  Throwing Dagger DAGG05

  Tiger Cowrie Shell Necklace AMUL08

  Turquoise Gem MISC19

  Two Handed Sword SW2H01

  Two Handed Sword +1 SW2H02

  Two Handed Sword, Berserking SW2H03

  Vampiric Touch SCRL1Q

  Violet Potion POTN16

  Wand of Fear WAND02

  Wand of Fire WAND05

  Wand of Frost WAND06

  Wand of Lightning WAND07

  Wand of Magic Missiles WAND03

  Wand of Monster Summoning WAND10

  Wand of Paralyzation WAND04

  Wand of Polymorphing WAND09

  Wand of Sleep WAND08

  Wand of the Heavens WAND11

  War Hammer HAMM01

  War Hammer +1 HAMM02

  War hammer +2 HAMM03

  Water Opal MISC39

  Waterstar Gem MISC28

  Web SCRL99

  Winter Wolf Pelt MISC01

  Wraith Form SCRL1R

  Wyvern Head MISC52

  Ziose Gem MISC29

  Zircon Gem MISC25




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