推荐攻略:范海辛的奇妙冒险2最后的塔防开启魔镜之门的方法详解 | 范海辛的奇妙冒险2装备附魔属性的修改方法教程
Drainage Tunnels (use elevator before prison) 排水道(在进地下监狱前的电梯上去)
1. You've found Da Vinci's lost blueprints of the ornnithopter
2. You've found Wilhelm Tell's crossbow (in a box)
Holding Facility 监狱
3. You've found the hidden prison section (give money to prisoner)
4. You've found the Mask of the Cannibal (you might not be able to find him at later chapter if you leave him in prison, not tested yet)
5. You've found Dr. Jekyll's tincture (release HULK)
Thunderhead Mountain 雪山
6. You've found the Mushroom Expert Certificate (in a body)
7. You've found the woodcarver's treasure (it's in a pole before scarecrow)
8. You've found the scarecrow's treasure (well... a scarecrow)
9. You've found Don Qijote's lance (stuck in a windmill)
10. You've found a goldfish (weird stone by the bridge)
11. You've called forth the giants with the giant gong (besides a portal, be brave before use the gong)
12. You've helped Woody avoid people accusing him of being a ghoul or You've revealed that Woody is a ghoul (he might be alive later if you help him, havent tested yet)
13. You've found the Dungeonkeeper's armour (in an altar beside ice wall, a bit hidden though)
14. You've looted the body of the dead young hunter (after opening ice wall then locate his body, maybe need to open box for completion?)
15. You've saved the bomb expert (agree to katarina suggestion)
Cold Cavern 寒冰洞穴
16. You've found the Afterlife ring (in the very first location, search the place throughly. It’s a skeleton)
17. You've evicted the domovoy from the minecart (in a hanging minecart)
18. You've looted the body of the grey wizard (in a broken bridge)
19. You've found a Rare Ore (besides small skeleton near NPC)
20. You've found all three Moonstones (2 in bodies and 1 after finishing ”gate of perun” quest)
21. You've found the runestone from the old well (help free merchant and find some clue, it’s besides stew pot)
22. You've found the Dungeonkeeper's amulet (while in “free merchant” quest, search the altar in this area)
23. You've found the Spiritwalkers' relic (lower right map, search beside skinned bear)
24. You've found the Masterfully Botched Armour (dunno, just kill enemies in small path above frozen stream portal and those 2 stonehead will talk)
25. You've proven the existence of the yeti (play the drum a few times, it’s where you give the spiritwalker his relic or keep it for trophy)
26. You defeated the Black Knight (in a bridge after strange domovoy)
27. You've won The Rock from the stone heads (successfully answer stonehead question, hint it's all about stone)
Tower Defense
28. You've found the secret area in the Subterranean Incursion (TD 1)
29. You've found the secret area in the Invasion of the Rat-Things (TD 2)
Secret Lair
1. You've had Koschei's Tear made. (talk to dr dampf to assemble moonstone from SC-Ch1-20)
Crystal Workshop
2. You've summoned the chimera by turning the statues. (i believe it’s here, just don’t know how to get it yet)
3. You've found the Emerald Lantern. (find a lone green lamp, on 2nd large area with many monster)
4. You've found the chest full of essences. (search at top most map)
Viaduct Junction
5. You destroyed the Alpha Prototype. (besides plogiston factory portal/broken bridge, answer maybe yes)
6. You've stolen the treasure of the Thieves' Guild. (at topmost map youll find a dead end, go there and hear some chatter)
7. You thawed the Goldfish and made a wish. (Well someone did anyway...). (at topleft map, there’s some giant pot. Click it)|
8. You've found the strangely scientific looking Resistance sign. (hello half life player, still waiting for HL3?. Click stacked box)
9. You've found the T95 Chip. (in a dead body before quality control room i think, it’s gone while i write this)
10. You've found the Photon Blade Essence. (Find packaging room, there are 3 door it’s the one in center. Talk to little droid)
11. You've found a secret area in the Foundry. (i believe its in Assembly hall, leftmost door.)
Floating Platform
12. You are one of the few who survived a mass squirrel attack. (in the center of the map there is alot of squirrel, kill them!)
Tower Defense
13. You've found the secret area in the Invasion of the Inhuman Regiment. (TD 3)
14. You've found the secret area in the Maze of Blades. (TD 4)
15. You've found the secret area in the Caverns of Steel. (TD 5)
Merchant District
1. You've found the home of the famous detective. (on the leftmost map, go ask the beggar)
2. You killed Jack the Inkripper. (go around big crater, youll find him)
3. You killed woody. (You evil person...). (ive killed woddy before..., need confirmation)
4. You killed Dr. Lecter. (maybe i need to open his prison in ch 1 first?)
5. You've taken the gloves from the sacrificial altar. (go to open door before confront harker, it’s in the center of this place)
6. You've seen the Helsing signal. (find it at top most map after getting the glove above, go around a few stairs)
Wormwood Chasm
7. You've taken the bizarre skull from the sacrificial altar. (to the right of downed soldier)
8. You've read all the headstones. (to the right after altar, there is a church. The headstones are there)
9. You survived the mass harpy attack. (go up after church, youll find alot of scarecrow there)
10. You've used the key to open the Mystic Orb. (buy the key from giant in Giantwood, click headless statue in center of the map)
11. You've taken all items from all sacrificial altars. (if you get all item from altar before)
12. You've followed the instructions on the Ring of Guidance. (help...)
13. You've become the true owner of the Chimera. (help again ...)
Tower Defense
14. You've found the secret area in the Halls of Remembrance. (TD 6)

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