《神界:原罪2》制作组Larian Studios今天向中国玩家发来拜年问候,除拜年之外,Larian Studios也为中国玩家带来了一个好消息,《神界:原罪2》的中文版已经在制作发行当中。

以下是Larian Studios的拜年原文:
Hello Chinese speaking players! We hope you are all enjoying the Lunar New Year. We wanted to let you know that Chinese localization is coming soon to Divinity: Original Sin 2. We have noticed a lot of you asking for this, and we've seen your comments. It has been in the planning for a while, but we need a little more time. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
祝大家新年快乐,Larian Studios
Happy New Year from Larian Studios!

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- 04-06《神界:原罪2》主机版公布 今年8月上市
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